Coffee Prices Are Going Up

We never approach the decision to increase our prices lightly. We understand how fortunate we are to serve this community, and your continued support for our craft means the absolute world to us.

As with any agricultural product, coffee is not immune to market instability, and a successful harvest is never guaranteed. Hurdles such as unprecedented weather, warmer climates, pests, and more, consistently stack the deck against coffee-growing regions. Within the past few years, coffee producers have been struggling to keep up with the growing demand, especially in Brazil. For those of you who are not aware, Brazil is the highest coffee-exporting country in the world and the market price is heavily influenced by its harvests. Due to irregular weather patterns, crop quantity has dropped and caused the coffee trading price to double from what it was a year ago.

The other side of the coin is showing a much higher return to those who are typically on the lower end of the profits, the farmers. While we struggle on our end to make sense of the additional expense, we can find comfort in knowing that those who make it possible for us to begin our mornings with warmth are receiving more of what they are due.

Moments like these are an exercise in perspective, and life is nothing if not that, perspective. I challenge myself and you too, if you’re up for it, to think with a broader brush about how coffee impacts our lives. That extra push in the morning when we first smell it. The meaningful conversations we have with mugs between us. That awkward first date, where we allow the coffee to do some of the talking for us. The nostalgia we all know so well when we remember how long coffee has been there for us and those we love.

Below I have attached some links that will allow for further reading. Thank you all so much and happy brewing!