5/14 Updates: Masks for Sale, Increased Hours, Coffee Food Workers Relief Boxes, Donating Cold Brew

Now selling in-store: AirX Coffee Masks
We have masks for sale, and they’re made from coffee! These AirX masks are AATCC 100 certified (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists), are washable and reusable, and have a removable filter (which does not need to be washed) that can be replaced after 30 days, They’re also individually packaged to ensure the filter remains clean until opening. $10 each, available in black or brown.
New hours! We're open from 7a-7p (two hours later). Come grab an evening cup of coffee!

The HTX Coffee Collective’s Coffee Workers Food Relief went off great! Thanks so much to the HCC’s crew, Barista Series, Tea & Coffee America, and Menstrual Flux for donating, and all of the volunteers that helped set up boxes and coordinate deliveries. Stay tuned to our social media for updates on the next round!
We're dropping off 20 gallons of cold brew every day(!) this week to the amazing folks at Baylor St. Luke's thanks to a really generous sponsor. Hope this brings a little bit of joy to the hard working people inside!
GoFundMe for lost Boomtown staff is still going on! Link here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/boomtowncoffee