Spindletop — House Blend
Spindletop — House Blend
The espresso that started the Boom. 10 oz. Whole Bean Roasted Coffee Blend.
Origin: Guatemala, DR Congo, Colombia
Producer: Finca Agua Tibia, Solidarity Farmers of DRC, Local Producers (Medellin Excelso)
Altitude: 1200-1900 MASL
Varietal: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Castillo, Colombia, Red Bourbon
Process: Washed
Roast: Medium-Dark
Tasting Notes: Nutty, Milk Chocolate, Dark Fruit
The discovery of crude oil at Spindletop Hill unequivocally altered the course of history for Texas’ Gulf Coast. It put Houston at the center of the nation’s most important oil boom in history, and in the span of a few short years turned the town from a small agricultural hub to one of America’s most thriving boomtowns. There’s so much more to our city than the black gold that turned it into the energy capitol of the world, but we can think of no better way of respecting Houston’s oily roots than honoring the discovery that put it on the map with our flagship coffee blend. Like the wildcatters who fueled the oil boom, the Spindletop is a no-nonsense, do-anything blend that can stand up to any brew method. With its balanced mix of milky chocolate, roasted nuts, and subtle, dark fruits, it can stand on its own or cut through any milk or sweetener you can throw at it.
All Boomtown Coffee® is 100% natural, free of artificial flavors or additives. All of our tasting notes are a result of a standard SCA cupping. Flavors found in home-brewed coffee are subject to individual taste and brew method.